Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Your Course

    2. Group Agreement

    3. A Brief History of Sexology

    4. The Bio-Psycho-Social Model

    5. Key Principles: Ethics V's Morals

    6. Key Principles: Consent

    7. The Wheel of Consent

    8. Key Principles: Legality and Diversity

    9. Key Principles: Language and Terminology

    10. Perspectives on Gender

    11. Gender Infographics

    12. Using an Infographic to Explore Gender and Sexual Orientation: New Content: ❤️

    13. Key Principles: The Six Sexual Health Principles

    14. The Erotic Mind Concept

    15. Wiley Handbook of Sex Therapy

    16. Sexual Scripts Questionnaire: (To be completed before our first live day on 23rd April 2022)

    17. Talking About Sex Exercise for Live Teaching Day 1

    18. Slides and References from Live Day 1

    19. Personal Reflection: Module 1

    20. Evidence of Learning: Module 1

    21. Module 1 Evaluation

    1. Introduction to Module 2

    2. Introducing Dr Angela Wright

    3. Introducing Professor Mike Kirby

    4. Human Sexual Development

    5. Female Sexual Anatomy

    6. Biology of Female Sexual Response

    7. Female Sexual Function Problems

    8. The Menopause

    9. Childbearing and the Impact on Sexual Function

    10. Male Sexual Anatomy

    11. Biology of Male Sexual Response

    12. Male Sexual Function Problems

    13. Difference in Sex Development

    14. Transition ❤️

    15. Sex and Disability

    16. Key Psychosexual Therapy Skills

    17. Introduction to the Assessment and Contracting Process ❤️

    18. More Assessment Forms

    19. Sexual Response Models

    20. BSSM and ESSM Guidelines and Position Papers

    21. Case Vignettes for Live Day 2

    22. Personal Reflection: Module 2

    23. Evidence of Learning: Module 2

    24. Bio-Medical Knowledge Quiz

    25. Module 2 Evaluation

    1. The Impact of Society on Sex and Relationships

    2. Sexual Function Problems: People with Vulvas and Vaginas

    3. Sex Therapist's Kit Bag

    4. Self and Sensate Focus

    5. Pain

    6. Vaginismus

    7. Interest and Arousal

    8. Orgasms

    9. Female Genital Cutting

    10. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

    11. Explaining Cervical Smear Tests

    12. Using Sex Toys with Sexual Function Problems

    13. Lesbian and Queer Women in Relationships

    14. Cases for Live Day 3

    15. Personal Reflection: Module 3

    16. Evidence of Learning: Module 3

    17. Module 3 Evaluation

    1. Erection Problems

    2. Premature Ejaculation

    3. Delayed Ejaculation

    4. Male Low Sexual Desire

    5. Anal Sex Guide

    6. Introducing Dominic Davies: Founder of Pink Therapy

    7. Dominic Davies: Queer Sex Part 1

    8. Dominic Davies: Queer Sex Part 2

    9. Sex and Relationship Therapy with Gay Men

    10. Sex and Relationship Therapy with Trans and Nonbinary Clients

    11. Cases and Slides for Live Day 4

    12. Personal Reflection: Module 4

    13. Evidence of Learning: Module 4

    14. Module 4 Evaluation

    1. Sex Addiction V's Compulsive Sexual Behaviours: What are the differences?

    2. Summarising the Sex and Porn Addiction Debate

    3. CSB Diagnosis

    4. Impulsivity and Compulsivity

    5. Pornography Lesson 1

    6. Pornography Lesson 2

    7. A Note on Pornography

    8. Moral Incongruence and Porn Use

    9. Assessment: An Overview

    10. The RAW Assessment Approach

    11. Impulse Control

    12. Treatment Phase 1

    13. Treatment Phase 2

    14. Treatment Phase 3

    15. Understanding Kink

    16. Master Slave Interview

    17. Sex and the Law

    18. Cases for Live Days

    19. Sexual Attitudes Exercise

    20. Personal Reflection: PST March 2022 Module 5

    21. Evidence of Learning: PST March Module 5

    22. PST March 2022: Module 5 Evaluation

    1. Bringing all of your learning together ...

    2. Relationship Diversity

    3. Working with Sexual Themes in Intimate Partner Therapy

    4. Desire Discrepancy

    5. Enhancing Sex

    6. Working with Affairs

    7. Case Consideration 1: Dave and Amanda

    8. Case Consideration 2: Jen and Sam

    9. Case Consideration 3: Tam and Yan

    10. Personal Reflection: PST March 2022 Module 6

    11. Evidence of Learning Module 6: PST March 2022

    12. PST March 2022: Module 6 Evaluation

    13. Course Feedback

About this course

  • Free
  • 112 lessons
  • 36.5 hours of video content